Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twitter dairy “tweeps”

If you’re up-to-date to date with how Twitter works, then you’ll probably admit that for the first few days, weeks, or months, it confused you — completely. By the way — when we say tweeps in the title, we mean people. Maybe it still does confuse you. But, some of you “get-it” and are pretty good at tweeting about the daily joys, triumphs, failures and happenings of dairy farming and the dairy industry. If you don’t know what it is and are curious, we suggest you refer to the site’s user guide, join, give it a try, and figure it out by trial and error. It’s free, and if nothing else, you can finally understand what people are talking about when they add a “tw” in front of many commonly used words.

There are always going to be farmers brave enough to tredge through the hassles and learning experiences of a new technology. Remember your first neighbor who used a TMR mixer or artificial insemination? What a concept! Well, Twitter is no different and we’ve got some good advocates out there.

If you want to get started, we’ve found a few good ones that might be worth a “follow.” They’re so good at tweeting that their #moo hashtag was as high as fourth on the top 10 list of topics tweeted on twitter for eight hours on August 2. The goal was to bring light to today’s dairy crisis, and that statistic says they have. Plus, they’re good bloggers, too! Check them out.
Will Gilmer, Alabama
Blog: The Dairyman’s Blog
Twitter: @GilmerDairy

Ray Prock, California
Blog: Ray-Lin Dairy
Twitter: @RayLinDairy


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