NMPF and DMI address animal well-being and launch National Dairy FARM Program

It’s been hard to miss the negative press towards animal agriculture operations in regards to animal welfare the past few years. We can only hope that a nationally supported program like this will address concerns by some of our opponents who have been pushing legislation at capitols across the country — legislation that has lacked the perspective and input from real producers and real experts.
We know, as producers, that the life for a typical dairy cow isn’t like the pictures painted by groups like HSUS and PETA. Still, consumers are becoming more informed on their food and want to be assured that animals are well cared for and that the products they produce are safe, wholesome, and nutritious. But let’s be honest. We are not without fault. Poor and unacceptable animal care does happen, just like there is always going to be someone bad at his or her job — no matter where you work. We need to work together to educate and improve this minority.
We’re excited to see what kind of traction a program like this gets in the coming years. Will consumers respond with greater confidence in our products?
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