Hoard Guernsey herd has four new Excellent cows

• Sunset Farms Hawk Daisy (shown at the right) went EX-92 after calving back in just 12 months and completing a 26,000-pound record in 278 days. Daisy had a Spider daughter that went VG-82 as a 2-year-old.
• Dairyman Amen Jolene and Howerton Farms Roy Pistachio both went EX-91. Pistachio was only fresh 20 days but came through calving just fine. Jolene's information can be found at http://www.hoards.com/farm/favs/Amen
• We had a dam-and-daughter pair both go EX. Dairyman Regis Nancy and her daughter, Dairyman Royalty Nanny. Nancy is nearly 5,000 pounds over herdmates and is finishing a 4-9 record of 296 days 23,487 M, 4.7 1,115 F, 3.1 719 P, while her daughter, Nanny, made a 2-2 record of 314 days, 18,344 M, 4.3 787 F, 3.0 555 P
• Dairyman Iceman Rosebowl, a high-ranking index cow in the Guernsey breed, went EX-90 with an EX-90 MS. As a 2-year-old she made over 24,000 M. More on Rosebowl at http://www.hoards.com/farm/favs/Iceman
• Rounding out the new Excellents was Dairyman Tiller Camelia. She just finished a 5-0 record of 365 days 27,308 M, 5.3 1,449 F, 3.5 960 P.
Ten other cows went either VG-88 or VG-87. In that group was a Challenge daughter from Rutter Bros Royal Oaks Dawn, EX-92. This hard-working 2-year-old is due in August and is finishing up a record that currently stands at 2-3 304 days, 18,875 M, 5.6 1,059 F, 3.4 644 P. For more on Dawn, go to http://www.hoards.com/farm/favs/Oaks
More results from classification day will be posted in a few weeks once we get all the data entered into our computer system.
Labels: Guernseys, Hoard Farm
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