Practice safe farming this summer
In a recent weekly update from Western United Dairyman, we found some great key factors to prevent accidental injuries and deaths, in addition to preventing liability from accidents. These key factors include:
1. Access control: Dairy farms should have a policy for visitors that requires them to check in with a member of the staff upon arrival instead of giving them free-rein of the farm. If a visitor is near a hazard like a hay stack or feed pile, it should be noted to the visitor.
2. Posting: When biosecurity is a concern (places like parlors, hospital barns, and maternity areas), these areas should be posted for no access unless by authorized personnel. Manure lagoons or pits should be posted with warning signs, and roadways should have signs indicating truck and equipment traffic.
3. Rules and regulations: All employees should be trained on access policies and be instructed never to bring children or other nonemployees to the farm.
4. Housing agreements and rules: If employees live on the premise, housing agreements that are written and signed should be completed. Children should not be allowed to play in roadways or working areas of the farm and dogs should not be allowed to roam free.
5. Compliance : State OSHA compliance can reduce employee injuries by improving safety programs. If you're unsure about regulations in your area or if your farm needs to be in compliance, contact your local OSHA office.
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