Monday, May 3, 2010

Interactive product search now available

World Dairy Expo just launched an interactive tool on its website that allows users to search for exhibitors by product category, keyword, or even booth location. The search feature allows dairy enthusiasts to search through the 750-plus trade show participants that exhibit at the show. Among the many options are:

• The opportunity to see the complete list of World Dairy Expo exhibitors by product category, booth location, and web address.

• The ability to go through the Exhibition Hall, Outdoor Trade Mall, Arena Building, Coliseum, and Grazing Pavilion, and scroll over booth location and find company addresses, phone numbers, and web addresses.

• The capability to enter specific products and search all companies at the show that sell a specific product. For example, entering the word "rubber mats" revealed eight companies that sell rubber mats. Meanwhile, entering the word "rubber" displayed 17 companies selling rubber products.

To search the well-designed site for yourself, click on the title of this blog.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I am writing to enguire as to whether or not there will be any products at the expo that relates to monitoring herd health and perhaps detecting oestrus?

May 10, 2010 at 6:04 AM  
Anonymous Hoard's Dairyman said...

Yes, there are a many companies that offer estrus synchronization products, computer programs, heat detection aids, and other reproductive products at World Dairy Expo.

We see that World Dairy Expo does not have a "Reproductive" section on their search function at We will forward this is a suggestion to them.

The Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Team

May 10, 2010 at 8:36 AM  
Anonymous John Rozum said...

Yes! There will be dozens of companies featuring herd health monitoring and heat detection. Using the keyword search function of the site will allow you to search for specific words, such as "estrus" "heat" "health" or "detection" which should yield the results you are looking for. If you don't find what you are looking for, send me an email - and I can help narrow down your search. Thanks for trying the site!

May 10, 2010 at 9:37 AM  

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