Friday, March 5, 2010

Pressing HSUS’s feet to the fire

In the two weeks since we told you about creation of and its mission to separate fraud from fact about the Humane Society of the United States, we’re delighted to report that turning up the heat of scrutiny is already producing some results.

First came a colossal tidal wave of public backlash against the Australian company that makes Yellow Tail wine after it announced a $100,000 donation to HSUS in February. This prompted the company to investigate what HSUS’s priorities really are – and then make a public apology and promise to never donate to the group again.

An essentially identical story was repeated a few days later by Pilot Travel Centers, a U.S. chain of gas stations that caters to long-haul truckers, which was also clueless about HSUS’s anti-agriculture mission. Then yesterday, Precious Cat, Inc., a cat litter company that had been listed on the HSUS “corporate supporters” page, announced it had withdrawn its support and henceforth would make donations to actual animal shelters instead.

While the truth about HSUS may finally be getting out in some quarters, communicating the message to the public will be an uphill struggle. Just how steep that challenge is was illustrated by results of a nationwide public opinion poll released on Tuesday this week. In it, 71 percent of those polled the previous week agreed with the statement that, “HSUS is an umbrella group that represents thousands of local humane societies all across America.” However, says tax records filed by HSUS show this statement is, in fact, false.

The heat is on, ladies and gentlemen, and we think HSUS may be starting to sweat.

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