Challenge daughters lead Hoard Farm 2-year-olds

Of those 64 first score cows, there were 11 1GU418 Idle Gold E Challenge-ET daughters that were evaluated for the first time. These moderate-framed cows were 2 years, 9 months of age (on average) on appraisal day and had an 82.2 final score, 83.7 udders, and 81.4 feet and legs. When it comes to production, the 11-cow-Challenge group calved at 2 years, 1 month and have actual 305-day projections of 17,059M 5.2 880F 3.3 571P.
When looking at all cows on the farm, averages included:
• First lactation, 126 cows: 78.9 points, 79.9 udders, and 80.1 feet and legs
• Second lactation, 87 cows: 80.4 points, 79.5 udders, and 81.6 feet and legs
• Third and greater lactation (4.31 lactations), 124 cows: 83.8 points, 82.7 udders, and 83 feet and legs
• All cows, 337 cows: 81.1 points, 80.7 udders, 81.5 feet and legs.
The Hoard Farm had three new Excellent cows including:
• Rutter Bros Goliaths Ruby, EX-90, VG-88 MS, EX-90 F&L. Ruby's has 151,123 M, 8623 F, and 5,370 P of lifetime credits to date. She is due for the tenth time this September. Her dam, Ruthie EX-91 has 194,399 M, 10.130 F, and 7130 P, in her lifetime and counting.
• Lavon Farms Mountains Molly, EX-90 and EX-91 MS. Molly is completing a 8-1 record of 303 days, 20,721 M 4.2 875 F, 3.2 658 P.
• Rolling Prairie P King Pansy (shown above), EX-90, EX-90 MS, and EX-90 F&L. Pansy recently completed a 5-1 record of 365 days, 25,098 M, 4.5 1,120 F, 3.3 and 819 P. She has a Trotacre Enhancer Lewis-ET daughter that is VG-85 in the second lactation. More on Pansy at
After reviewing the data, the Hoard Farm ended up with:
• 20 Excellents (90 points or higher)
• 196 Very Goods (80 to 89 points)
• 111 Desirable (70 to 79 points)
• 10 Acceptable (60 to 69 points)
A complete list of appraisal scores can be found by downloading the file below.
Labels: Classification, Guernsey, Hoard Farm
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