Hoard Farm 2 -year-olds shine

After reviewing the data, the Hoard Farm ended up with:
• 20 Excellent (90 points and higher)
• 186 Very Good (80 to 89 points)
• 109 Desirable (70 to 79 points)
• 6 Acceptable 60 to 69 points)
• 1 Fair (Under 59 points)
The entire herd averages 81.33 points for cows that average 2.53 lactations at last calving. The oldest cow in the herd, Ruthie, is EX-91. She has calved 10 times.
There are 122 first-lactation cows. They average 78.87 points. In recent years, the AGA also has put udder and feet and legs scores on cows. This group of 2-year-olds average 79.29 on udders and 80.39 on feet and legs. Our 2-year-olds are the shining stars at the Hoard Farm as their feet and legs scores rank higher than their older herdmates, while the udder scores are almost even. What's more, our 2-year-olds ME (mature equivalent) is 21,653 pounds of milk, 4.7 percent, 1,020 pounds of fat, 3.2 percent, and 692 pounds of protein. That is nearly 1,000 pounds more milk, 36 pounds of butterfat, and 26 pounds of protein higher than the next best group which is our 3-year-olds.
A complete list of appraisal scores can be found be downloading the file below.
Labels: Classification, Guernsey, Hoard Farm
Are there any sires that you were particularly impressed with after your classification? What service sires are you using?
We are placing a seven-page PDF file on the Monday post. It will have the eartag number, registration name (which includes the sire), appraisal score, udder score, feet and leg score, and lactation number on it.
We are breeding all heifers to proven bulls. The top three bulls (based on services) are: Aaron, Alstar, and Bingo. We are using 75 percent young sires in the milking herd. We use our young sire semen up as soon as possible and end up with at least two to three milking daughter of nearly every Guernsey bull being sampled.
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